Just list some common issues about window live writer:
"A successful connection was made to your account however the server reported that you do not currently have an active blog. Please ensure that your account with this provider is current before proceeding."
SunBlogNuke v3.x and older version: <add verb="*" path="MetaWeblog.aspx" type="DnnSun.SunBlogNuke.MetaWeblogAPI.MetaWeblog, DnnSun.Modules.SunBlogNuke" validate="false"/>
SunBlogNuke v4.x and latest version: <add verb="*" path="MetaWeblog.aspx" type="SunBlogNuke.MetaWeblogAPI.MetaWeblog, SunBlogNuke.Core" validate="false"/>
If not please insert the above element in the end of <httpHandlers> element.
1) Unzip the install package. 2) You should find out the assembly "CookComputing.XmlRpcV2.dll" in the bin folder. 3) Copy it into your $root/bin folder or upload it via ftp.