Note that: that is a tutorial contributed by our client Matt. If you would like to share any tips and tricks about our blogging module – SunBlogNuke, please share it here or contribute it to us. You will be benefit to expand on your license's access to support and updates  if your tutorials can be published in our team blog.

Active Social has some powerful extensibility capabilities which you can leverage with your SunBlogNuke installation. For example, you can add an additional tab to the Active Social user profile page, and load the SunBlogNuke "Content Slider" widget within it - giving you a "My Blogs" tab.The cool thing about this is that then you can apply the same learning to integrate other modules that can use a custom user key.

You must be running SunBlogNuke v3.6.2 to successfully integrate with ActiveSocial. I would recommend using at least ActiveSocial 1.6.

  1. Create a new page called "My Blogs"

    I added it as a child of the profile page, and hidden from the menu. There's no reason for this to show in the navigation for the site. This is purely a placeholder to store the Content Slider widget that will be used within the profile tab.

  2. Add the Content Slider widget to the My Blogs page

    You should, at this point, take note of the module id (mid) parameter in the URL. For example, /mid/730 in the URL will mean a module id of 730.

  3. Open Widget settings
  4. Select a Target Blog (essential for v3.6.2 to work with this functionality)
  5. Change Display View Mode to Custom User Key
  6. Set the text box next to Custom User Key to asuid
  7. Set a positive Max Items Count - for example, 10
  8. Click Update
  9. Take note of the tabid from your URL

    For example, a URL containing /tabid/42 would mean that the tabid is 42.

    If you are running a third party friendly URL provider, such as URL Master, you may not be able to find this from the URL. In the case of URL Master, go to Admin, Page URLs, and find the tabid there.

  10. Browse to the root of your DotNetNuke installation via FTP or RDP.
  11. Go to /desktopmodules/ActiveSocial/config and select "profileviewtabs.config"
  12. Copy profileviewtabs.config to the ActiveSocial folder in your portal folder, for example /portals/0/activesocial. This will prevent it from being overwritten by Active Social upgrades.
  13. Open profileviewtabs.config in Notepad

    The profileviewtabs file is an ordered XML list of tabs. You'll notice it takes the same order that tabs appear for users. You can add your new tab at any point in the file, provide it's within the <tabs> section, and not within an existing <tab> section.

    You will want to add the following code:

    <tab controlKey="blogs" text="My Blogs" isPostBack="true" hidden="false" permissions="" loadmethod="2">
        <![CDATA[<active:moduleloader id="ctlMyBlogs" TID="42" MID="730" runat="server" />]]>

    NOTE: You MUST edit your TID and MID parameters. TID is the TabId you noted earlier. MID is the ModuleId you noted earlier. The above is shown ONLY for example purposes.

  14. Save the profileviewtabs.config file.

If all is done correctly, you should now find that your user profile shows a "My Blogs" tab. Clicking on it will show you a list of posts (if any) that the logged in user has made.

And there you are - simple as that! Please visit the link to see how it action :)

If you have any question please continue to the discussion or the original feature request post in the support forum.