As you know, we recently released Ultimate DNN Blog Module – SunBlogNuke v3.7.x with some enhancements and small fixes, including code refactoring. When you would like to upgrade this version, please note that if you had developed any customized theme ever you MUST modify all view files lightly, including BasicView.ascx, DetailView.ascx, CommentView.ascx, TagsView.ascx, SearchView.ascx, and PrintView.ascx. Just follow the two steps below:

  1. Find out your customized theme folder which should be placed in the $YourRoot/DesktopModules/SunBlog/Themes/YourCustimizedTheme/.
  2. Open up the BasicView.ascx, find the first line declaration and modify it like that:


    <%@ Control Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" EnableViewState="false" Inherits="DnnSun.SunBlogNuke.Framework.PostViewBase" %>

    Modified:(yes, it is so easy and just modify "Framework" into "UI".)

    <%@ Control Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" EnableViewState="false" Inherits="DnnSun.SunBlogNuke.UI.PostViewBase" %>
  3. Like the step 2), check out whether there is declaration about Toolkit. If exists, modify it like that:


    <%@ Register TagPrefix="toolkit" Namespace="DnnSun.WebControls.Toolkit" Assembly="DnnSun.Modules.SunBlogNuke" %>

    Modified:(You should notice that just modify "DnnSun.Modules.SunBlogNuke" into "SunBlogNuke.Core".)

    <%@ Register TagPrefix="toolkit" Namespace="DnnSun.WebControls.Toolkit" Assembly="SunBlogNuke.Core" %>

The same process for the other view files.

In the end, make sure you MUST follow the tutorial if you had developed any customized theme ever, otherwise you will encounter the error like "Could not load type 'DnnSun.SunBlogNuke.Framework.PostViewBase'.". When you visit your good main blog page in your dnn website. If not just skip it :) Hope it makes sense for you.